The Adorable Girl On Yesterday’s “The Price Is Right”

February 26, 2013

Lindsay Fonseca on The PRice is RightI saw an amazing episode of The Price is Right yesterday – so great, I felt I had to tell you about it.

If you’re not in the mood to have a TV show recounted to you, I hope to see you tomorrow. If you are in the mood to hear about this amazing girl bringing even more joy to daytime television – read on.

So, yesterday, I’m watching The Price is Right with my sister.

One of the first 4 people called down at the very beginning of the show is one of the most adorable people I’ve ever seen. Every time she goes to make a bid, she just quickly sticks her head out to the mic and then retreats it back – almost like the mic is going to bite her.

Anytime she outbids someone by $1, she quickly looks over and says, “I’m sorry!”

She’s just adorably jumping around, so nervous-seeming, and so excited.

In the very first item up for bid, I’m pretty sure she bid $800. And the actual retail price was $799. She was off by a dollar, and the person who did go up there ended up playing for a car!

In the second half of the show, adorable girl still hadn’t made it up onstage. In one round, the last person who’d been called up (and first to bid), bid $500. Adorable girl was last to bid, and bid $501. The bell sounded that someone had the perfect bid. It was the person who’d bid $500.

Yet again, adorable girl missed out by a dollar.

Yet again, the person who beat her to get up onstage played for a car!

Finally, it was the very last chance to get onstage. The tension was high. Me sister and I wanted so badly for adorable girl to play a pricing game. Sure enough, adorable girl got onstage! And she was oh so happy.

She lost her pricing game! (I was upset for her, but her awesome attitude seemed to be like, “Well, at least I’m here!”)

Then, on the wheel, she barely passed 95 cents to get only 50 cents. But when she spun again – she got another 50 cents. Boom! A dollar! Yay! She’ll have a chance to play again in the showcase round.

Or will she?!

Lindsay Fonseca after winning 25,000 on The Price is RightThe winner of the car also spun a dollar. (Yes, this episode is getting nuts. Imagine watching this excitement in real time. 11am party, baby. My sister and I were going absolutely nuts.)

So, they both got their bonus spins.

And on the girl’s bonus spin, she gets another dollar!!! I kid you not. Go ahead, jump around your living room. She just won another $25,000(!) (in addition to the first $1,000 bonus of landing on the dollar).

Then, the guy spun one of the green spots around the dollar winning him $10,000.

This was the luckiest bunch I’d seen in a while.

Later, Lindsay (Fonseca – adorable girl) unfortunately overbid on her showcase. But instead of beating herself up about it, she exclaimed so earnestly, “It’s okay! I won $26,000!”

I’ve never seen anybody be so giddy after losing.

If I were super, super duper rich, I would totally contact her out of the blue and buy her that trip and that car. I’d just be like, “Hey. I know you already won $26,000. But I loved your attitude. I loved watching you see the bright side of everything. I bet you’re a super nice person who enriches the life of those around you. So, here are the contents of your showcase anyway. Please don’t ever lose your joy, positive energy, and all-around awesomeness.”

I just wish I could get across how much her joy was just permeating through the TV. That has to be one of my favorite episodes, and favorite contestants, ever.

(Oh! And side note, speaking of my love for The Price is Right! I went to a taping on the 6th. It will air on March 18th. Will they call me on down? Will you at least be able to catch a glimpse of my face in the audience? Who knows. Only one way to find out. Feel free to set your DVRs, y’all!)

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