Don’t Forget to DVR The Price is Right tomorrow!

March 17, 2013

Aurora in line at Price is RightI know you may be sick of seeing this picture of me, and hearing me say “DVR The Price is Right!”

Well, you’re in the luck. This is the last reminder on the blog, because the show is… tomorrow!

For most people it comes on at 11am on CBS. (Though I’ve heard that with some providers it’s on at 10am. I dunno. You tell me.)

I plan on live tweeting during the 11am (Pacific) time show. So, you can choose to ignore all that if you’re DVRing for later. Or you can follow along on my twitter feed. (I love twitter.)

I dreamed of going to The Price is Right since I was a little girl. I finally went to a taping for the first (and so far only) time on February 8th! That magical show is airing tomorrow!

So, tune in. See if any of my dreams come true – or if you can at least catch a glimpse of me in the audience. I had an amazing time, and I can’t even wait to tell you (in tomorrow’s post) all about my experience of going to a taping of The Price is Right!

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