So, Did You Watch The Price is Right This Morning?!

March 19, 2013

(- or probably yesterday morning depending on when you’re reading this.)

In case you missed it:

I am absolutely beside myself. And yes, oh yes – we will talk at length about the day, the process, the thoughts that sped through my head, getting the prizes after the show, and all that good stuff. You will know more than you’ve ever wanted to know about my Price is Right experience (aka what I dare say might be the greatest day of my life).

So, if you don’t care to delve into the show, I’ll see you in a few weeks when somehow I stop talking about it. (Though I’m not sure how I will ever stop talking about this! :-))

4 thoughts on “So, Did You Watch The Price is Right This Morning?!”

  1. I watched! So fun seeing you on the show! Must of been a bit of an out of body feeling! LOL
    You won a car! Congratulations! Please post on your blog updates as you get it!!! Sooooo exciting! :c)

  2. I loved it! Loved your super quick change too from sweater to shirt in-between shots 😛 . How neat to see someone I know win! Grats Aurora! So how have you been hiding the car while you waited for the show to air ?? I really was hoping you would make it to the showcase showdown. How much a bummer is it that Anna lost by $14???

    1. lol, thank you. I was wearing layers to hide my blog address on my back, since we weren’t allowed to plug anything. But they asked me during the commercial break to take off the layers. So, that made me happy. 🙂

      I actually wasn’t allowed to pick up the car until the show aired.

      And yeah, I would’ve loved to have made it to the showcase too, but I lived out a childhood dream. So, I think I can get over not making it. 🙂

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