I Met Cory Booker! – Part 2

April 30, 2013

So, I realized that yesterday, I did a play-by-play of the day without really giving the actual moment of meeting Cory.

Once it was my turn, I was pretty much shaking when he shook my hand. I said something like, I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you! My heart is beating 100 times a minute (which is actually silly, because that’s really not even that fast, but I was having trouble forming thoughts).

He said, “Aurora! Give me a hug!” And we had a lovely hug. He said it was great to finally meet me. Then, he said he wanted to get a picture with me. What? Are you kidding me? I’m the one who wants to get a picture with you!

So, he grabbed my hand and turned me toward the professional photographer – Mona Brooks (who later handed me her card so I could see the awesome pictures once she puts them up online).

After we got our picture taken, I told him he gave an amazing speech. He was very humble about it. Then he thanked me for all my help. Again, are you joking me? (I actually give him a face like, “Are you joking me?”) And I said thank you for all your help!

And that was it – my 30-second whirlwind meeting with my hero.

And while we’re on that whirlwind meeting, want to know a couple of dorky things about it?

First, have you seen pictures of other people with Cory Booker? He always looks about 3 heads taller than everyone else. He seems like a giant in every photo I see. So, I was definitely afraid of being so short we weren’t even going to fit in the same frame.

Well, I put some nice, tall shoes on. And when I was maybe 6 or 7 inches taller than I usually am, I was still a good bit shorter than him.

I also – I know this is so nerdy – even practiced my smile in the mirror before I went. I thought, “You’re gonna get one picture. You better make it good!”

And I knew I do this thing when I get super happy in photos – my eyes close basically all the way ’cause my cheeks get so pushy. So, I practiced in the mirror. “Okay, Aurora. Just keep your eyes open. You can smile and still let us see your eyes, babe.”

Well, so much for that. I am awful at keeping my eyes visible in photos. But, that’s okay, I suppose.

Another weird thing I didn’t expect was that my dress came across so much more low cut than it looked the last time I wore it. I don’t know if it stretched out or what, but uh, sorry if that wasn’t appropriate enough to meet the Mayor in. It could’ve been worse, I’m sure!

Jaime and Cory Booker. Adorable!
Jaime and Cory Booker. Adorable!

So, I met Cory Booker and so did Jaime. Then, a number of people came up and asked for a copy of the speech I’d taped. I told everyone I’d put it up on waywire, so hopefully they all ended up seeing it. (I should’ve been better and taken people’s numbers and told them when it was up. Sorry, everyone.)

After that, I went and pigged out at the table of food that I was too scared to touch earlier. (I have a horrible tendency to just continually eat at these sort of things. “There’s still more food! Can’t waste it. Nom, nom, nom.”)

The food was, of course, delicious. The birthday cupcakes were super moist and incredible.

Then we sat around and talked with other Cory Booker supporters. It was so cool to meet these people who were really passionate – most of whom were involved in law, politics, or social media as their career.

Also, having Jaime there compounded the experience and made it all that much better. She was so moved by his speech (as was I). Before we talked to all of our new friends, we talked together. I loved seeing her passion as she went over the best parts of the speech and all the reasons she loved the night.

It was a truly magical night with one of my greatest friends and my role model and a bunch of new,  amazing people. I definitely hope to do more events throughout my future. (Who knows, maybe someday, it’ll be an event for my campaign. ;))

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