I’m Not Too Busy – Part 1

May 14, 2013

busyPicking up from yesterday –

Back to the complaint about my friend practically living on Facebook (yes, I know ’cause I was super lame, and at the time practically living on Facebook as well) and flat out announcing in statuses that he’s wasting days doing nothing… yet telling me how badly he wishes he could hang out if only there were any time – there is a disconnect there. Am I right, or what? (See how gross Facebook is/I am. Why do I know all of this about him? Why do I care at all?)

(Of course, he’s not alone. There are more of us out there doing this behavior – which is where I’m going with this. (And I don’t mean to call someone out on the blog, ’cause that’s mean. But, I’m mentioning no names and I took a lesson away from it – so that’s why I think it’s okay to bring this up.))

The way I was treated by this person – or the way that I perceived I was treated – has actually made me more sensitive to how I try to treat others. I’m absolutely not perfect about it, and have a ton of room to grow, but I’m trying to make better efforts to:

A) actually get back to messages of any kind in a more timely manner.
B) if I tell someone I’m super busy – actually be super busy.

Just as someone did it to me, I have done it to other people. That’s the worst part!

I don’t do it intentionally. But, if I think about it, there have been times when I’m all, “Oh. No time. Super busy over here.” Then I post on the internet about a bunch of nothing I’m doing.

In everybody’s defense –

1) It’s of course healthy to have some down time and alone time. And we don’t have to answer to our friends for all 24 hours in our day.
2) We never really know the whole story behind someone who looks (on social media) to never be doing anything. It may look like someone just watches TV all day – but we may have watched something on a treadmill, while cleaning a room, on the bus to work, etc.

There are many reasons why it could look like you’re doing nothing – when really it’s nothing wrapped in something else you’re actually are doing. (And, I know priorities exist, and not everybody can rank up at the top, and maybe we prioritize doing nothing above some of our less-close friends.)

(Photo from DueByMonday.com)
(Photo from DueByMonday.com)

But basically – (sorry, I feel like my point is bouncing all over the place here).

In L.A., we do this really gross thing where we act like we actually want to hang to hang out with someone, but we are just “L.A.-ing” them – you know, that whole, “Let’s do lunch” attitude where the plan is to do lunch never.

I try to only tell someone I want to hang out with them (and make an effort to find time) if I actually want to hang out with said person. I am not into the L.A. attitude. Sometimes it  actually comes across as genuine. Since I can’t always tell, I point blank ask, “Are you L.A.ing me, or do you actually want to hang out?”
But the people L.A.ing you will still say they’re not L.A.ing you!
(I am really getting off the whole social media thing here where I started with this post.)
I think the point is (but who really knows after all this wandering around it), I’m not usually as busy as I think or say I am.
This is becoming a long post, so I’m gonna pick up here tomorrow.

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