Fear Is The Worst – Part 3 (My Thoughts)

June 19, 2013

Yoda on FearSince I’m talking about all of these things in past tense, you’d think I was some confident person who’s conquered all insecurities and fears, and thinks, “Isn’t it silly to walk down memory lane and see that this poor girl used to actually worry about what others think? Ha, ha, ha. So ridiculous now.”

But no!

This is still a struggle in my life – from small things to large things.

I worry before sending out basically every tweet. “Will people think I’m stupid?” (You should see me when I tweet! I usually read each one at least 7 times, then ask someone around me, “Does this sound good/right?”)

I worry before posting every blog entry. “Is this still interesting people? Are people still reading?”

Nearly every improv scene I’ve ever been in that’s crashed and burned has been because I was afraid to make a big choice, or to say something I should’ve to help the scene move forward.

Of course, in some of those examples, it doesn’t stop me from doing stuff (which is the biggest problem with fear). It just makes the stuff more stressful (also a problem with fear).

I suppose some fear is healthy – it makes us strive to be better. But, overall, I think fear is pretty much our enemy.

I implore you not to be afraid of the power of you. Something far, far scarier than actually reaching your full potential (while dealing with people (and criticism along the way)), is to live your whole life on the edge of letting yourself be free, happy, and confident – without ever finally jumping in an seeing the greatness in you, and what you can accomplish.

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