“You’re So Old To Go To College!”

August 6, 2013

frabz-Think-youre-Too-Old-For-College-Brought-to-you-by-Lasell-Village-635120Just to address one thing really quickly, I know that even though commenters on the blog have been extremely supportive, I’ve heard (in my own head, or by a few people), “aren’t you a little old to be going to college?”

It’s weird, ’cause right now I don’t feel all that ridiculously old for college. Some of my friends are still in college. I’m pretty sure I could fit in on a college campus right now – but those are the germane words. Right now.

If it takes a year or two to build up a bit of a transcript, and then possibly another year between applying and going (depending where I’d apply and what the deadlines are), then four-ish years of actual schooling, I see how I’d be much older than I am right now.

First off, let me just tell you, I am never aging. Let’s just get that out there now. (Let a girl hold on to her little insecure dreams. (Also, look at Jim Parsons and Sutton Foster – some people just don’t age!))

Secondly, here’s the main thing. And it’s the best thing to remember.

We are going to get older. That’s just a thing that’s going to happen. If I think I’m gonna be old now, how will I feel 6 years from now when I could’ve been done?

I don’t know about you, but I see people around me living fluid lives, trying new careers, new jobs, and new ideas. I don’t think it’s horrible to be “so old” when I graduate college (if I ever decide to do that). Life is ever-moving, and it’s meant to be lived.

When we think we’re too old for something, we gotta push it aside and just do that something. ‘Cause if it’s something we really want to do, we’re still gonna wish we did it in the next decade to come – and we’ll call out 10-years-ago self “so young.” We’ll wonder why we didn’t take more chances.

In the words of Aladdin, “All I gotta do is jump!”

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