Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles (2013) – Part 1

October 27, 2013

zombie dancers dancing to Thriller at Rock 'n' Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon 2013If a race is gonna happen right outside your window, you might as well do it. One way or another you’re waking up to blaring music. And if you don’t go run it, you just get to watch everyone else finish for hours. So, I can’t foresee a time when I live here that I don’t run this race.

As I mentioned yesterday, I decided this year to run in costume. I’m going to devote a whole post to what that’s like. So, we’ll get there.

For now, let me start with the most awesome thing ever. There was a group of people who dressed up in awesome zombie costumes and danced to Thriller along the side of the course. They did this for hours. The Thriller dance over and over and over again. There were a fair amount of loops on this course. I saw them when I came by the first time. I saw them when I came back around again. As far as I know they did it from when the first runner passed them ’til the last runner did.

My new dream for next year is to be in that group. Please Thriller people, if you read this blog, let me dance with you! 🙂

Now that we’ve started on a positive note, let me backtrack a little to a more complain-y attitude and say, have you ever wondered if blondes have more fun? Well, in my first full day (in a looong time) as a blonde I’m gonna have to go with no.

When I left my apartment in the morning in my blonde glory and costume (which granted, was too short, but we’ll get to that), a man yelled out, “Hey sweetie!” I ignored him because I ignore all men who yell out any variation on that. (And I hate being called sweetie. It sounds so demeaning. Blegh. (However, for some reason sweetheart is fine for those of you keeping score at home – but only from people I like. Never from strangers.))

Then he said, “You doing the walk of shame, baby?” Ignore again. ‘Cause really, I don’t care.

He waits for me to respond. Nothing. So he follows up with, “You going to Denny’s, girl?”

That’s the point where I whip around and say, “No. I’m running the half marathon this morning. I have running shoes on and this race number, and I’m walking toward the start line like everyone else to go do my 13 miles.”

I definitely caught him off guard. He seemed pretty shocked that I was on my way to a race. I guess I get it since I was wearing a dress. Still. No need to hassle me like that outside my apartment, yo.

I walked over to the race and took a few pictures. When I was thinking in my head what might be some good stuff to tweet, I thought, “You know, it might be nice if I found a group of superheroes and said something like “lots of people going as their favorite superheroes. I’m mine – @WendyDavisTexas.”

Surprisingly, the first people I saw were a group of superheroes totally up for a photo. What luck.

Granted, I only got 1 retweet – but that retweet was Joel Burns. So that’s nice.

I’ll pick up here tomorrow.

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