Cory Booker’s Team Came Through With My Video!!!

November 4, 2013

I don’t know if you read, but Waywire changed owners and deleted everyone’s accounts without warning.

Now, Cory Booker had made me this incredible wire challenge response. It was one of my most prized things in the world – which is crazy to think since I hadn’t even made my own copy! SO stupid of me. No matter how sure you are that stuff won’t disappear, you gotta back everything up, man. If something means anything at all to you, you’ve got to back it up. (You’ve GOT TO BACK IT UP.)

I say that ALL the time. But I didn’t even listen to my own advice since I was “so sure” that nothing would abruptly happen to waywire.

Anyway, I emailed and tweeted waywire, and I tweeted the only person I know who still works there.


Then I started emailing the people I’m friendly with in Cory Booker’s circle. things didn’t necessarily look super promising… until today when one of them came through for me!

I got this random email saying I’d been sent a file for download. It wasn’t associated with the name or email of the person with whom I’d been talking. At first I thought it was just spam. But I opened it to see if it was something from work.

Then when I read the message saying it was an associate of the person I’d been talking to, who said he got forwarded my request for the wire challenge video, I literally almost threw my phone across the room in my haste to open my computer to download that video.

No two minutes have ever been longer!

Downloading, downloading, downloading… until I saw it!!! The video I thought I might never get back. It was there in front of me.

I literally started sobbing while sitting on my couch. Sob, sob, sob tears of joy. I called my dad immediately before I’d even processed any of the information. I was crying on the phone. He said it took him the whole voicemail to figure out whether I was devastated or ecstatic.

I just can’t believe I got it back! Huge, huge, huge thanks to the amazing Cory Booker staff. (I’m making yet another donation to the campaign to show my gratefulness.)

Moral of the story: Back up your stuff, y’all! (That includes you, Aurora!)
(… Also, Cory Booker & staff are awesome.)

Oh, and in case you want to see the video that means the world to me:

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