Kindness On West Coast vs East Coast

December 7, 2013

(I couldn't think of any other picture combo when talking east v. west coast.)
(I couldn’t think of any other picture combo when talking east v. west coast… Though when I think about Biggie and Tupac’s death, kindness is not the first adjective on my mind…)

So, on the way to work to work tonight, I biffed it a bit on the stairs going down into the subway.

It was only on the last couple of stairs, and I fell in a good way so as to try not to break anything. I didn’t get injured. So, everything is fine.

But what I thought was weird was that even though there were people around (since it’s sort of rush hour-y) – not one single person asked if I was okay or tried to help me pick up things that I dropped.

On the one hand, I actually sort of appreciate this. Falling is embarrassing. And usually, whenever something embarrassing happens to me, the last thing I want is anyone drawing any attention to it because all that does is magnify the embarrassment. (Blegh.)

However, even though I don’t like being embarrassed, I just thought it was odd that no one came over to help me up, help me grab things, or even ask if I was okay. I literally cannot imagine this scenario happening on the east coast.

When I lived on the east coast, everyone was always so kind. When I was first moving there and had 2 big suitcases, people in the subway always jumped in asking if they could help me. (You cynical people are saying the difference is that on the east coast, they’d grab your bags and run instead of actually helping… I commend your jokes, but disagree.)

I don’t think I ever even took anyone up on their offer of help, ’cause I wanted to be all independent and such and I could handle my load of baggage… but, still, it was nice help was offered. I felt taken care of on the east coast.

Now, I can’t actually generalize either coast just because of my limited experience. I especially can’t totally write of Los Angelinos because of this one experience. But knowing how disconnected everyone tries to be from everyone else in the city, I can’t say I’m all that surprised. Actually, I’m not surprised in the least.

So, there you have it. Every woman for herself. But at least you avoid some embarrassment when no matter what happens, people are going to stay in their own little worlds in L.A. You win some, you lose some, right?

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