Transitioning From A Facebook Profile To A Facebook Page – Part 2 (How It Started)

December 27, 2013

Picking up from yesterday –

I’d been thinking about making the transition for a long time, but I wasn’t making any leaps…Until I sort of forced it upon myself accidentally.

One day, as I was organizing my photos on my computer, I got the one where Cory Booker is hugging me color-corrected so that it no longer has a yellow-ish tint on it.

Of course that was my Facebook profile photo, because really, how could it not be?

Once the picture was color-corrected, I didn’t want to use the old one anymore. So, I took it down.

Only after I took it down did I think, “uh, I can’t just re-post a different version of the same exact picture. People aren’t going to like that on their newsfeeds.

But I certainly didn’t have any new events even near the same stratosphere of the Cory Booker thing that warranted being my profile picture.

All the super cool things I’d done in the past couple of years had been talked about to death. I didn’t feel I could put up a photo from my marathoning, or Price is Right, or even my theater teacher’s party. All those special events were over and had been covered at length. So, to go back to them months later would’ve been like “uuuh…”

Therefore, I just left my profile picture empty for a while. And that’s where the magic set in!

This is one that still sort of has that yellow tint - just in case you were wondering.
This is one that still sort of has that yellow tint – just in case you were wondering.

When I didn’t have a profile picture, that little square looked so empty that I felt like I couldn’t comment on stuff.

Once I felt as though I couldn’t comment or post, life became so much easier! It taught me that even I (who hates Facebook) used it more than I thought I did. Sometimes I’d think of something I wanted to tell a friend, and the first thing I’d do is go to their Facebook profile to send them a message.

Seeing that empty profile square made me want to avoid Facebook. So, I’d send a text or email instead – which was a million times better!

A) It’s way more personal.
B) It kept me off of Facebook. I don’t know about you. But sometimes I go on to Facebook with a purpose – to respond to something I got an email notification about or to send someone a message and then I get lost in the rabbit hole that is Facebook because I see interesting articles in my feed. Then I look up and think, “What did I do with the last hour of my life?!”

So, life was brilliant and this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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