Quilt Story on NBC4 Columbus – Part 2 (Includes An Embarrassing Side Story)

February 6, 2014

Picking up rom yesterday

So, my dad drives me over to Bexley to Keepsake Theme Quilts. The people who work there are so lovely, adorable, and excited.

Right as my dad and I get there, Buzz, the very nice cameraman shows up. He tells us that he wants to get some b-roll of me jogging.

My dad goes to work taking behind the scenes photos for my blog. (Did I, or did I not say he’s such a lovely makeshift publicist?) Buzz asks me to jog a bit around the neighborhood. He gets shots of me running. He gets some shots of just my feet as well. It’s fun being taped.

Perhaps I should’ve tried to run faster since I only had to go a short distance… But I’m sure it all looks fine.

After the b-roll, it was time to go back inside. I felt like a mini-celebrity with Janet from Keepsake Theme Quilts asking if I wanted any water and such.

My dad and I palled around with Buzz and Janet until Cabot arrived. Cabot, Buzz, and Janet got to go in the super secret special room without us since they wanted to set up for the reveal of my quilt before I saw it.

Before you knew it, it was time for me to see the beautiful masterpiece.

The quilt is huge, beautiful, soft, and all-around wonderful. I love it.

We talked in front of the quilt for a while. We talked about me, my health issues, my races, and all that jazz.

Embarrassing mini-side-story: When I walked in the room, almost all of the people who worked there were standing around to greet me. Because they are deaf, they applauded by doing that hand wave thing. Now, intellectually, I knew they were applauding. I believe the correct response would’ve been to make the sign for “thank you.”

However, instinctively, I just reacted by sort of waving back… I felt like I was coming off as some sort of pretentious little princess or something waving to her adoring fans – especially because I was walking down an open stairwell into the room.

Aye, aye, aye.

This is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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