(#10) Santa Monica Airport ArtWalk (March 15, 2014) – Part 1 (An Absolutely Lovely Event)

April 4, 2014

This was awesome!

After volunteering at the food bank, I made my way to the ArtWalk. Yet again – as seems to be the theme with this project, of me apparently not knowing anything about anything – I didn’t even know there was a Santa Monica Airport.

In fact, not only is there an airport, it’s a sort of controversial thing, as I found out by talking to people throughout the day.

My job here was to work the information booth. Not to flip my hair cockily or anything, but I was pretty sure I could rock this because I love being pleasant and talking to people.

When I first got there, they had me walk around to all the different areas so I could have a better idea of what to tell people. I was so glad I got to do this! I found out things I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

I saw that Mike Machat – the artist who did the mural in the Santa Monica Airport – was drawing pictures for people in the Museum of Flying (which had free admission during the ArtWalk)!

I also met Chris, a volunteer at the Museum of Flying, who totally rocked and knew everything about every plane.

It also was wonderful that I took a look around the place because we all know how bad I am with maps. But since I got to go to the places, I could say “oh, go behind this or that.”

It was a really cool day filled with activities. There was a station where children could build little terrariums.  There were places for painting and ceramics. Basically, there was all kinds of stuff to do. And here’s the best part! There was even a little sticker/passport thing on the back of the map. If you collected 5 stamps, from going to the different areas of the ArtWalk (including an improv class! – how great and full of different mediums was this place?), you got a set of wings!

I loved telling people about that awesomeness. (I love goals and checklists and things, so to me an already fun day of exploring is made all that much better by a fun list with stamps to help take you through it.) I also loved presenting the wings to people who’d finished.

Overall, this was an exceptional day. However, I do have one small rant (and more things that were great) tomorrow.

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