My First Audition In Yeeears (Too Many Years) – Part 1 (Getting Ready)

May 16, 2015

For my first audition, I saw that a theater out in Anaheim was holding audition for Side Show. Anaheim. Cool. Hopefully it won’t be as busy as a big LA casting call.

When I got up and started getting dressed, I was on a semi-little roller-coaster of emotions.

“This is going to be so fun! I can’t wait to audition again!”
“What am I doing?! Am I seriously going to this? The notice said the female leads are already cast. They probably don’t have enough mandatory Equity contracts for them to give someone to a chorus girl.”

[*while warming up*] “You’re sounding good this morning, Aurora.”

[*printing resume*] What the heck is this tiny resume with practically nothing on it? Your measly little 3 shows you got to act in before your heart issues started, plus some high school stuff? Oh yeah. Reeeeeal impressive.”

So, it was a lot of back and forth like that all morning.

In fact, there was really even back and forth like that as I walked from the bus to the audition spot. (That includes the moment I realized I had a tiny hole in the knee of my pants! Eep!)

But ultimately, I just thought, “You have to do this, Aurora. You have no more time. There are no more excuses. You just have to do this.”

So, I did.

I walked into the big empty waiting room. The audition monitor said it was a pretty slow day. Granted, this was the day of EPAs (Equity Principal Auditions). The non-union call was tomorrow. She said more people usually go to that.

I got there around 4. When I looked at the sign-in sheet, there were only a handful of names above mine. (And the day only went until 5. So, I doubt tons of people came in after me. )

I filled out the form asking for my height, weight, special skills, and such.

The audition monitor seemed really nice and I blurted out that this was my first theater audition in years – that I’d gotten a bit derailed and it was time to come back… and that I was a little nervous.

She was so supportive and sweet and cute about it. I didn’t say any of that in the room, ‘cause I know it’s not auditioners’ jobs to encourage me or cradle me or whatever. I’m there to impress them.

As I waited, another woman walked in and looked through her book of sheet music. She seemed relieved when she found a page she was missing, saying, “I knew it must’ve been back there somewhere!” I smiled and told her I was happy she found it. She smiled back, and thought it was nice we could be nice to each other.

Oh how fun it is for me to be all wide-eyed and just excited to audition again.

I was then called in to sing.

And this is where I’ll pick up next time.


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