The Simpsons Table Read! (Again?! – How Lucky Am I?) (September 17, 2015)

November 24, 2015

Aurora outside of simpsons backdropGoodness gracious! I’m all over the place here, aren’t I? New York. LA. September. October. November. I hardly know where or when I am anymore.

But I’m trying to go back and pick up some of the stuff we missed – including this.

When I got the news that I’d be leaving for New York, I tried to start setting up as much cool LA stuff as I could because I didn’t know how much longer I’d get to do it.

One of my absolute favorite things to do in LA (or anywhere for that matter) is to go to a Simpsons table read! I am blown away by my luckiness to go once – but the fact that they let me do it again is beyond incredible!

I’ve already talked of the joys of the table read before. And the joys still remained.

This time, I took this exceptionally cool friend of mine from an improv class. He’s so nice and after the table read, we had a brilliant lunch at Panda Express (which I suppose is not all that interesting for you to read, but it’s more a note to myself in case I ever read this of just, “man, he’s really brilliant, and kind. I’m grateful to have this person in my life, and I’m glad we got to hang at Panda Express).

As far as the table read stuff, the episode was great (of course). We had great seats. We both loved it.

After the read, we went on a search for some costume place I’d been told I had to see last time (but there hadn’t been time), and we couldn’t find it! All that buildup for nothin’.

[Edited to add: I go to another table read in March of 2016. And there will be a real story with that one! Not this meandering kind of “it was an exceptional, beautiful, wonderful repeat of a day you’ve already seen.]

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