Re-Meeting Cory Booker! (February 21, 2016)

March 9, 2016

Aurora and Cory Booker huggingI went to see Cory Booker talk at Kaufmann Concert Hall. As per usual, it was life changing.

He talked about all the wonderful, fantastic things he usually does – about living with love and how sometimes being the most vulnerable is actually being the strongest, because it takes a lot to be that vulnerable.

As you may have seen, I’ve been a little crabby since I’ve moved to New York. I’ve been ultra-emotional, and just generally not a person I really liked all that much.

And sometimes I have even thought, “What would Cory Booker be doing here? This isn’t how he would act”… and yet, I acted that way anyway.

Well, today, I re-met him. And I was all, “I don’t know if you remember me. We tweeted. I ran 52 half marathons in 52 weeks.” And he was all, “Of course I remember!” He stood up and said, “You’re amazing!” I exclaimed, “You’re amazing!” (Just a good ol’ argument over who’s more amazing – there’s a vine of it here… Oh, and he tweeted that he loved the Vine :-))

As I was leaving, he told me to “Keep inspiring.”

And those words really resonated with me, because I wondered, “Am I actually inspiring anybody lately?” (I’ve been kind of a needy sourpuss since I moved to New York.) I actually have more about that in an upcoming post, so I won’t waste our time on it here. (Let’s not dwell, right? :-P)

But it was a very nice (very friendly) slap in the face of like, “Hey, be a good person.”

…And it makes me want to work a little harder to be a better person.

Side note: As I got there, someone was buying his book from the table in the lobby, which had no line. It wouldn’t have dawned on me without that person, “Oh yeah. I should just get the book now. I’m obviously gonna get the book. And this was the most spectacular decision because after the talk, there was a huge line to buy the book and I got to go straight to the line for the signing – which was awesome, because then I made it out in time to go to Last Week Tonight!

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