My First Inter-Continental Flight!!!

April 22, 2017

(Look at how cute their safety video is!)
(Look at how cute their safety video is!)

[I. Still. Have. So. Much. Catching. Up. To. Do. With races and flying and stuff for Project 882. So, let’s get on it!]

First off, the plane was HUGE. The flight attendant who pointed me to my seat told me to go to the SECOND AISLE… THERE WAS A SECOND AISLE.

Also – this blew my mind – when I went to the bathroom, THERE WERE LITTLE TOOTHBRUSH/TOOTHPASTE KITS IN THERE.

If this is what flying in coach is like, what are the first class passengers getting? diamond encrusted bathrobes? We’re getting free toothbrushes, people!

And they’re nice! They have this great dome plastic caps – they’re like the most expensive-seeming plastic toothbrushes I’ve ever seen.

The only other thing I really have to say about this flight is that I have fallen head over heels with Silicon Valley. I was mindlessly looking for stuff to watch, and I thought, “I’ve heard SO much good about this show.”

And I should’ve listened. It makes me want to pull my hair out because every time something seems like it will go so well… it doesn’t. But the show is so good. It takes really interesting turns I never see coming. And I most definitely did not sleep because how could I possible sleep when I could be watching Silicon Valley?!

So, I landed in Portugal after an overnight-HBO binge.

Let’s party.


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