2017 In Review (By Month) – Part 1

December 31, 2017

It feels like every year I do this. And every year, I’m like, “I need to stop doing it by month. That’s not the best way.” And every year I do it anyway. (Skip down if you want it broken up by month indeed.)

Anyway. I really didn’t want to do the review this year, because in some ways, I think 2017 was potentially the worst year of my life. I mean, from about September 2016 – September 2017 was about the worst year of my life. So, not all of that is 2017. But it’s a lot.

[And I’m sorry because this post is pretty Negative-Nancy of me… But I don’t have much good to say. If you want to avoid the pity party(?), you can skip this one.]

[For anyone who’s reading this randomly, this is part of the sexual assault series.]

I know I tried my best to push through everything. But I think of all the days I sobbed, feeling like “I can’t possibly get out of bed.” Even after I started Project 882… I thought that would change something. but it didn’t change the PTSD symptoms. (I think projects can help you if you’re just feeling low, but if you actually have a disorder you’re dealing with… turned out it wasn’t a magical fix.)

I remember how incredibly hard Project 882 was (and it’s not even done, but we’re almost there). I think about the physical pain, the mental anguish (which was everywhere – not just in running). I remember how hard even just going to work was, how hard talking to other humans was – just how hard everything was. It was all SO. HARD.

I think I am finally – finally – getting my act together (at least a little) now toward the end of the year. So, heaven-willing, my 2018 will be different. But no matter what “accomplishments” I put here, the thing I remember most from this year is a lot of pain. Thank goodness gracious it’s ending. Dear 2017, go ahead and let the door hit you on the way out.

Anyway, here, as every year, are some highlights(?), sort of roughly-ish separated by months.

January – Started Project 882

February – Did my “marathon of the year” (Every year I do a marathon in a different state. In February, I did one in New Orleans.)

March – I was the National Anthem singer for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series. In this month, I sang in Washington DC, but I sang in multiple places around America throughout the year, which was cool. (Also, in March I used my passport for the first time when I went to Mexico!)

April – I went to Europe for the first time! I had a lovely surprising trip to Portugal when a layover turned into an adventure.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

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