Picking up from yesterday –
During lunch, index cards were passed out to us. We were supposed to write an interesting story from our life and not tell anyone what it was. These were used for a game on the way home, which we’ll get to later.
It was a leisurely lunch, and once it was over, it was back to work.
For the latter half of our demolition time, it was all about removing the carpet and… styrofoam-ish/stucco/whatever stuff was on the wall?
One of the walls had had the white tiles removed earlier. Once people realized that was a job, a lot of people clamored to it. I’d really wanted to do it. (It just seemed like a fun job. And I love ladders.) But there was a whole group begging for the tool and the ladder. So, I let them have it.
However, once we came back from lunch, I don’t know if people forgot about the other wall or what, but there was no clamouring. So, I got in there nice and stealth, grabbed my tool and ladder, and went to town.

My height again proved to be a tiny issue here. But I’m great on ladders. So, I stretched up and got all the tiles down from my wall. *Does a little dance*
Also, I’m trying to get at least one photo from each of these events to just kind of document my project and such. I asked someone who had a free moment if he could take a picture of me while I was on the ladder. And can I just tell you, he did an exceptional job? He got interesting shots from good angles, and even did one in a square so I could put it straight on instagram!
Unfortunately, he wasn’t with our group on the Do Good Bus. (He was either with the little filming crew, or from one of the organizations we were working with.) Unfortunately, I didn’t get his name. But thank you, stranger, for giving me good photos for instagram and the blog. I appreciate you!
Back to the actual work part of it all, I also had a quick little stint on helping to pull up carpet, but it was short lived. There were so many people helping with that – and there’s only so much space for people to hold on to a carpet piece.
The day wound down so quickly. I couldn’t believe how fast it all went. This was really a fabulous way to spend a Saturday – and one in which your whole day wasn’t taken up at all. I got home with ample time to work out, or see a show, or really just do whatever the heck I wanted on a Saturday night.
Tomorrow I’ll finish out with the end of the working day and bus ride home.