Picking up from last time –
At the end of the night, I also was to write the name of anyone at my table who won an auction item (along with the dollar amount of that item).
Then I even got to use one of those cool credit card swipe things that attaches to my phone to charge the person’s card.
Again, I only had 6 people. So, I got the money for donations, silent auctions, and live auction items done in a jiffy.
If I had to pick one thing that could’ve made this volunteer experience better, it would’ve just been knowing which copies of which receipts I need to give to which parties, ’cause there didn’t seem to be a definite answer on that. But, it all worked out (as far as I know, at least!).
Even though I did feel a little wonky about not knowing that I was totally doing the right thing with receipts (even though I did ask!), as I was leaving, I still somehow got the compliment I always love to get.
My volunteer coordinator said she thought I was fast and that I just “got it” (re: the whole night). So, yay for that. I still don’t know exactly what I do to earn that lovely yummy feel-goodness, but I’m gonna keep striving to hear that as much as I can at these various volunteer activities!
(Uh, #humlebrag much? I don’t know. Just let me have this y’all. I wanna be smart. So when I’m called out as such, I want to remember it! :-))
One thing I have learned about these events is that if you have a middle amount of disposable money (like enough to drop a grand without thinking about it, but not so much to go to really high-end silent auctions) then finding these smaller and newer charity events around town is a great way to get some incredible experiences at a big discount!
In the silent auctions I’ve worked this year, I’ve been amazed at how many had big trips (or even a backstage experience at Modern Family!) go for under retail value.
After I go on Wheel of Fortune and win $60,000 (this is just a dream at this point, as I am not in the contestant pool on Wheel – not yet anyway! ;)) – I’m totally gonna stop by a sweet silent auction, swoop in and grab something amazing, for a great deal, while doing good in the world. Doesn’t that sound awesome?
Final thought about this event: after if was over, we got thank you cards with Starbucks gift cards inside that had Braille on them! How dope and thoughtful, right?