(Hey there! I have to catch up on all these old race reports. I’m so sorry. Don’t mind me. Doop do doop do do do.)
A 1-miler! That’s fun and cool. An easy way to get a medal. A nice little walk through the city.
I met a very adorable couple of a woman who loved to run a bunch of these races, and a man who’d travel with her and volunteer for them! (“Well, I figure if I’m gonna be there, might as well help!”) I saw him in New Orleans! I remembered him kind of as “honey mustard pretzel guy” – the man who was really into giving runners ht honey mustard pretzels. “Have you tried these?!” He was so funny then and was just as lovely in Nashville.
As far as the half marathon, oh goodness gracious was it hot. So. Hot.
Somebody may or may not have ended up in the medical tent from a little fainting or losing balance/awareness or something after the race. But, the Rock ‘n’ Roll medical staff was out in full force and super helpful. And if you seem low on electrolytes, they will give you this amazing concoction of Gatorade with extra SALT! It’s so good. Why did I never think of putting salt packets in Gatorade before? Welcome to my new favorite running treat.
I stayed with a very sweet family while in Nashville, so that was nice and cool. And yeah, everything was generally lovely and cool and fun about this race. Another 14.1 down and more to go!