Hello from the future.
Because I was under such tremendous stress at the time, sometimes I just left these empty posts for me to fill in later. And I have to tell you that sadly, some years later, I do not remember this that well.
However, I still want to kind of memorialize the project, so let’s just try to piece together what we can.
I remember that I was pretty heavily relying on Charlie Alewine races because they have no time limits. They’re just on a walking path in Long Beach, so nothing has to be shut down.
I was really struggling, but just had to get the miles in.
So, there are pictures from nighttime. Some of these half marathons took me all the way into the nighttime.
I also have some pics of just exploring Long Beach, and then one of a full on Bloomin’ Onion. So, I found some place down there that had it, and I guess pigged out as I was very hungry and exhausted.
And that’s all we’ve got for this race. So, here it is (sort of) memorialized on the blog now!