Chris Murphy Is A Dope Senator

August 13, 2017

So, it feels a little weird, kind of, to be talking about anything but fasicism, with the recent death of Heather Heyer. But I don’t know what to say/how to say any more about that, that hasn’t been said all around the internet. So, I acknowledge and recognize the terror and sadness…

And now, I’m gonna try to talk about something nice happening in the world.

Chris Murphy is walking across the state he represents! And we can all follow along on twitter!

I actually only just now kind of realized that I don’t even know if I have a whole entire blow post about this – I just think it’s so cool for a senator to traverse his state on foot and meet his constituents!

Sure is gonna be tough (but nothing is impossible!) if I’m doing this in California someday, when I become a senator. 😉

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