Well, my foot’s gotten hurt. And I got the official results from my orthopedist today.
It’s a sprain!
For a hot second, we thought it was a stress fracture, but the MRI has told us it’s actually a sprain. This is the 3rd time in my life I’ve sprained this ankle. So, maybe I have a weak ankle! Looks like my dreams of Olympic figure skating might be crushed. (I’m kidding, of course. I don’t really think I’m gonna be an Olympic figure skater, but “I, Tonya” is still on my mind because it’s such a fantastic movie.
Anyway! I’m hurt. Got a sprain. They recommended physical therapy and said I should consider using my crutches for a while.
So, how’d it happen?
I don’t have some amazing, or harrowing, or tragic story. I think it was just general overuse. Maybe I twisted it in a weird way at some point.
I’ve been limping at the end of races for months now – always with this ankle hurting. And I just figured it was the general “marathoners limp.” People are mildly limping all the time because their muscles are tired and maybe they’re slightly undertrained. I didn’t think it was all that big of a deal.
But being that one very specific part of my body always hurt the most and that it was hindering my races and making them progressively more painful, I should’ve seen a doctor sooner.
And now I have. And here we are.
So, what does an injury mean for the end of Project 882? Well, I’m definitely gonna finish it. It’s just gonna have a fairly severely adjusted schedule!