My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 19 – (The Bonus Round – Trrrrrrying to Solve)

May 12, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Okay, so, I’m still just laserly trying to insert letters into my head as Pat’s talking, and I’m glad he talks a little before the timer starts. I’ll take any extra milliseconds I can get.

I also appreciated that he said I could do this. I THINK he said at the taping that I was a good player, but I don’t have the raw footage, so maybe I just thought that in my head, or inferred it from him saying I was a good player.

Either way, sometimes he basically throws up his hands assumes people aren’t going to get it. And the fact that he thought I *might* made me feel like I at least played the game well enough to make Pat believe in my skills.

So, at this point, I’m totally grasping at straws.

It kind of looks like “A Work Order.” Clearly I know it’s not, because R and D would be in those spots. But I’m hoping if I start saying my dumb ideas out loud, my brain will get new good ideas in their places.

“Very” also clearly wasn’t gonna be in there. Wary, maybe. I look so stupid on television saying words out loud that clearly aren’t in there…

But they do tell you to talk it out! I didn’t want to stand silently, doing that all in my head.

Then I started yelling out totally random things at the end that didn’t fit at ALL because my go to things in the bonus round if I really didn’t know it was to think Q words and double-letter words.

So, I just yelled out a Q word (quick) and double-letter word (zipper), hoping maybe if I put my brain on that wavelength, it would start spilling out other Q or double letter words, and one of them would be in there…

That didn’t happen.

It WAS indeed a double-letter word. But, even if I’d assumed the last word was double letter and started going down the used letter board, and got offer, I just wasn’t really thinking an RM word in the first word. I MIGHT have gotten it, but I also wasn’t really thinking an i word. I just sadly didn’t have it.

(I do mumble something with an F right after I said ‘quick’, so F was in my brain somewhere. But I just didn’t have it. I dunno!)

You have a lot of them, but I didn’t have that one. I’d finally found the first “thing” puzzle in my studying that tripped me up – and it was the one where real money was on the line.

My dad tried to console me by saying, “let’s say you’re an A wheel of Fortune player. There’ve been what? Like 5,000 episodes of wheel. Even if you’re scoring a 94%, that’s 300 you’d get wrong. That’s a really high percentage to being with. And even still, you’d get it wrong HUNDREDS of times.

Nobody’s perfect, and sadly that includes me – even though I’d really like to be! haha

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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