So, I’d been warned before going to Egypt that everyone’s gonna try and scam you, and that it’s dangerous for solo-traveling women and everything.
But I always take warnings like that with a grain of salt, because sometimes those things are tinged with racism. So, I’m like “oh, I don’t want to have some Western version of Africa where I act like it’s so dangerous, but it’s awesome.
And I was even hesitant to write about Egypt, because I didn’t want to be a white person hating on Egypt.
But I was convinced after my trip that people are right. It is a very scammy place. Someone said “people see $$$$ in the eyes of Americans,” and it definitely felt that way.
I’ve been harassed, and people have tried to scam me in America before. So, I just thought “I can handle whatever.” But after going to Egypt, I would NEVER ‘let down my guard’ there.
If I ever go again, I’m absolutely doing my very best to get a SUPER reputable guide who will take me everywhere and handle everything for me, so I don’t have to be constantly standing up for myself and bartering for everything, etc. etc.
So, Egypt’s reputation, you win. Even the little faith I had was too much faith.