I Have Completed Grad School!

July 1, 2022

As of 4pm today, I uploaded all of my final deliverables (which were due at 5 haha).

It’s wild. It’s been weird and kind of silly. I would say grad school was about 8 billion times easier than undergrad. (And it was about 8 billion times shorter as well, since it didn’t take me over a decade to finish grad school.)

So, in those senses, it feels anti-climactic. But, it actually is kind of cool!

I was already starting to apply for more things today, in the hours after 4pm, because I sure do love to always dream about what’s next! And it was cool when asked about what level of education I’d completed to pull down “master’s degree.” 

Yep, that’s me!

(Finally catching up to my younger sister hahaha.)

I always said I either wanted to dropout of get a crap ton of education, so I guess doctorate here I come. 😉 

I’m sure there will be more to come later, but yeah… I finished! (I hope haha. I mean, I know I did, but I will feel a lot better when summer grades publish. ;))

2 thoughts on “I Have Completed Grad School!”

  1. Congratulations Aurora!! You’re Funny ? So happy to read the great news. Charlie Huntley

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