- #1 Art Docent-ing at LERATA Skyline Art/Architecture exhibit
- #2 Hygiene Kits for Seniors
- #7 Making Paracord Bracelets at Big Sunday (with Operation Gratitude)
- #11 Start Line with Marathon Kids
Part 1 (I Hated Gym… Marathon Kids Benefits Kids Like the One I Was)
Part 2 (What Is Marathon Kids? And the Beginning of Our Day)
Part 3 (I Had No Idea What Excited Kids Are Like…)
Part 4 (I Gotta Be More Careful How I Treat Females)
Part 5 (Nice People… And Some of the Day’s Obstacles)
Part 6 (A Small Problem I Probably Should’ve Foreseen)
- #11 Start Line with Marathon Kids
- #14 Face Painting at the Create Now Book Fair
- #16 Mega-Blok Booth at Ability First’s Stroll and Roll
#20 Goalball Retreiver at the Junior Blind Olympics
Part 1 (What is the Junior Blind Olympics?)
Part 2 (What is Goalball?)
Part 3 (Checking In and Day Beginning)
Part 4 (Ball Retriever? No? Wait, Ye-yeah! Ball Retriever)
Part 5 (Morning Learning Experiences (and Limited Lunch Choices))
Part 6 (Coaching a Little)
- #21 Miles for Melanoma 5k (Shuttle Bus Helper)
- #26 Venice Art Walk
- (A few slip ups ’til we get to real 29)
#29a AIDS LifeCycle Finish Line
#29b Santa Monica Festival
#29c Downtown LA Night Market (HRC booth)
- (A few slip ups ’til we get to real 29)
- (The real #29 !)
#29d Los Angeles Ukulele Festival
- (The real #29 !)
- #30 Proyecto Pastoral Women’s Conference
- #32 Photographing Cozi’s Improv Show
- #33 Kidspace Children’s Museum Pirate Adventure
- #34 Hollywood Arts Council’s Children’s Festival of the Arts
- #35 Los Angeles Brain Tumor Walk
- #36 Striking with IATSE
- #37 Long Beach Marathon Expo Bib Pickup
- #39 Long Beach 5k Medals
- #40 Long Beach Opera Fundraiser Set-Up
- #41 Food Forward Farmers’ Market
- #42 Ushering for A or B (A New Play)
- #43 Tree Mapping
- #44 Flat Stanley
- #46 Christmas Card Stuffing at AIDS Project Los Angeles
- #47 Living History/Tree Lighting at Dominguez Adobe Museum
- #49 Homeless Count
- #51a Mensa Regional Gathering (Hodge Podge Stuff)
#51b Mensa Regional Gathering (Running the Money Box)
- #51a Mensa Regional Gathering (Hodge Podge Stuff)
- #53 (Bonus) – Rube Goldberg Machines with Maker Guilds
Thoughts at the end of 52 Half Marathons in 52 Weeks