Setting Up B’s Transition Party – Part 3

July 4, 2013

I actually played this in high school as well.
I actually played this in high school as well.

Picking up from yesterday

I was back on a ladder! Again, I really just can’t get across enough how wonderful it was to have that ol’ high school feeling back. It felt great to just be completely happy. But more than happy. Just totally content.

I’m happy a lot. And especially this past year, I’ve had a lot of particularly wonderful things happen. But they kind of happened in spikes – these moments where one spectacular thing happens. And it’s lovely, but then you fall back to the status quo.

But, being here reminded me that there is nothing like the feeling of just being incredibly content – the status quo being raised to this whole other level of happy that just envelops you. I will never forget my lovely high school years, and I will never forget these lovely three days either.

And I’ll end with just one little extra tidbit that I loved about the last day of the set up.

We got the signs we needed to label I think about an hour and a half before we needed to be done. And lots and lots of stuff needed to be labeled – every school year, some student written shows, the set designs, and on and on. So, we were literally running around the performing center sticking things up as fast as we could.

Originally, B thought we’d label some things on top that we ended up labeling on the bottom (because we just didn’t have the time to keep moving ladders anymore). And, while she is a perfectionist, and always does such quality work, she also recognizes when something works just as well and takes less time.

I feel like sometimes I get wrapped up in what something is supposed to be, or could be, and I don’t necessarily always appreciate things for exactly what they are. Whereas, I feel like she can find the joy and satisfaction in what was able to happen (which is always great anyway!).

I just loved every time we were a little unsure of a placement of something, or something may be a tad bit rushed and not precisely what we thought it would be, and she’d say, “I love it!”

It was never just, “Eh, that’ll do.” Always, “I love it!” Her positive energy and her hilarity kept us all going with smiles on. The three days flew by.

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