I Have Climbed The Mountain Of Digital Photographs! – Part 6 (Uploading To Sites)

February 15, 2014

Hey RSS readers! SO sorry your feed is getting clogged. But I have these two random blog posts I never posted. So, let’s do ’em, and then I’ll be back to once a day. xoxo.

Picking up from yesterday

So, I’d successfully acquired, cropped/semi-edited/named & organized all the photos.

Phew! Can you even believe it? I certainly can’t!

So now it was time to upload everything! Dum, dum, dum.

This seems like it might possibly be a big job. However, once all the pictures were sorted in folders on my computer, it’s not that hard to upload them. Making albums on Facebook and Flickr seems pretty straightforward.

I actually like the ability to organize better on flickr, because you can nest things. For instance, I can have a collection of my 52 half marathons and then have separate albums within that – which is much clearer than having all the albums out separately (as I must in Facebook…unless I wanted one humongous album of all the races).

Also, on flickr, you can look by region. So, you can see all the photos you’ve taken in New Orléans or wherever. Just in general, I think they’re somewhat better for the actual organizing part… However, when it comes to the viewing part – I think Facebook has a much cleaner look with fewer ads that’s easier to navigate. So, you win some, you lose some, I guess.

With Facebook, if I wanted any chance of anybody liking anything, I had to upload an album or two a day as opposed to doing it all at once (so stuff would keep showing up on newsfeeds).

In some ways, I felt bad about this. People don’t want to see old news… And oh, did they see it – over and over again. Some people told me it was confusing, wondering “Is this a new race, an old race? What’s going on?”

I tried to dutifully date and label everything, but I see how in a feed it’d be confusing. Not only would it be confusing, it’d be annoying. “Didn’t this stuff happen forever ago?”

Yes. Yes it did.

But I was still happy when people liked stuff anyway… I don’t want to have a sad little Facebook page with no likes on any of the photos. But I have definitely learned my lesson. I’ll be utilizing Facebook SO much more now.

(Edited to add: Writing from the future, while in my newest project, I believed that maybe I would still just utilize instagram, flickr, and other platforms better. And maybe if I used them more regularly, I wouldn’t need to utlize Facebook. However, I’ve seen people love Facebook. Even if I don’t love it, I’m embracing it. It’s necessary. And it’s embraced now.)

So, we’re pretty current. My goal is that by a week from today I’m all done uploading photos.

(Edited to add: On Facebook that came true. On flickr, it hasn’t yet. Although, I don’t think anyone’s noticed because no one’s even there. I’m still pretty determined to give it a much better try than I have. But are there secrets I should know that I’m missing? Do any of you use flickr?)

I’m going to finish up with final thoughts on photographs tomorrow.

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