Documenting 52 Half Marathons Stuff

January 27, 2015

We’re in the home stretch of finishing up the 52 Half Marathons posts!

Before I took the shirts in for the quilt, or the medals in for the display, we documented everything one last time. (I think it’s nice to have that.)

So, if you’d like to watch a little flipagram of me in all the various shirts, while wearing the medals that came with them, that exists here.

And if you’d like to see all the medals by themselves, photos of them exist here for the normal race medals of the 52 half marathons, here for the bonus medals, and here for other races that year, outside the 52 half marathons.

I’m still pretty certain I don’t use Pinterest correctly. But I didn’t know where else to put pictures of just the medals! The pictures didn’t seem appropriate for Facebook of Flickr (which I view as more places to put pictures with people and of events and things – not albums of inanimate objects)…

So, there you go. They’re on Pinterest. And if you have better ideas (or ideas for more or better Pinterest boards), I’ll take ’em! And if there’s anything else you want to see and haven’t, always let me know! xoxo

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