My Day As A “Let’s Make a Deal” Contestant – Part 18 (Am I A Riff-Raff Contestant?)

March 9, 2015

Aurora scratches her eye while looking off-camera on Let's Make a Deal
Credit: CBS/Freemantle

(Missed any part? Here’s the whole series.)

Picking up from last time

Once I saw my dad, he was not surprised that my mood had finally turned to being upset. I think he was more surprised I’d ever not been.

We went over and over everything in the car ride home – even going into things outside of our game. “What if I hadn’t forgotten my ID, and we’d gotten to go to the morning taping? Would things have been different?”

I also started to wonder if maybe the Let’s Make a Deal staff just didn’t like me… They didn’t pick me or my incredibly game-show-friendly friends the first time I went. Then they called me for the last game in this show…

I’ve heard on a podcast that the last game on LMAD often gets changed out. Depending on how long the show is going, they might make it a shorter or a longer game to help with the timing of everything. Does that mean if I get the game that’s up in the air, that I’m kind of the riff-raff of the show?

I have no idea what it means! I’m not in their heads. But I wonder. Do you wonder if they try to put the people they like in the better (or maybe longer) games?

Aurora thinking with her mouth open on Let's Make a Deal
Credit: CBS/Freemantle

I also wondered if maybe I’d gone with my runner costume after all, would they have put me in the game where I could’ve won that sweet home gym?

Do they try to make games fit with people? (Then again, I just mentioned in the last post people who put on a costume after the interview. So, do the costumes mean nothing? Who knows anything really!)

Don’t get me wrong. I was wildly happy to play. And I genuinely am even sort of, kind of happy that I got zonked – in the sense that it is cute to be able to say, “I won a car on The Price is Right, and I got zonked on Let’s Make a Deal.” That’s a fun dichotomy, right? And you can’t get zonked anywhere else!

So, I’m not trying to sound as though I’m super upset that I wasn’t in a different spot (though I would’ve loooved that gym). I guess I’m just saying, I wish I knew what “winning” was when it came to what game you play.

Do producers put people they think are great with especially great games? ‘Cause I want to be great! I want to win – not only a prize but also obviously I want to win the love of the producers, by golly!

I even wondered that on Price is Right too, if producers put their favorite contestants first to give them the longest chance to win something?

Aurora in contestants' row on The Price is Right
Credit: CBS/Freemantle

Of course, on Price, it’s nearly impossible to try to put a contestant you love in a game you love. It’s hard to know what game someone will play based on when you call them down, as so many various surprises happen in contestants’ row.

And as a home viewer, I’ve seen plenty of super lovable Price is Right contestants who don’t get called ’til mid-show (or later).

So, maybe the Let’s Make a Deal people like me. Maybe they don’t. (My friend said if I played anything at all, they must like me at least a little. So, there is that line of thinking.) Maybe things would’ve been different at the morning taping. Maybe they wouldn’t have been.

Side note: The girl who played my game with me went to the morning taping and didn’t get called. Then she stuck around and played the game with me… So, it’s possible that things would’ve been exactly the same.

None of it truly matters. Yet, I can’t help but analyze (because apparently that is my life (or at least my brain))! Mmmm over-thinking. Delicious.

More post-game analysis tomorrow.

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