Okay, Kanye Can Be Whatever He Wants

November 15, 2013

kanye_west_2008_grammysI once wrote a post about Kanye West and how sad it was that his downward spiral was never-ending.

I still agree that it’s really sad. But sometimes when I talk about him, you can totally hear the judgment in my voice.

(Read in the most judgmental way you can) “Oh you went to see Kanye? Is he as good now that he’s crazy?” (Good judgmental reading there. You’re hired!)

The other day, his rendition of “Hey Mama” from the Grammys after she died came on my iPhone. For whatever reason, I was in the mood to listen to sad songs on my iPhone.

If ever I’m feeling down on just one of those days where things aren’t going right – and I’m in the sad song rotation – that song kills me every time!

I mean, really. It’s incredibly heartbreaking. I don’t know how he got through it at the show.

I glanced down at my iPhone and saw that it was from the 2008 Grammys. What?!

Now, to me, that feels like just yesterday. And if it feels that way to me, imagine what it must feel like to him. He probably still every once in a while thinks about calling his mom before he realizes he can’t.

I see how it’s possible for him to not come back from that.

So, I’m lifting all judgement I have for Kanye West. The only thing I have now is sympathy. (Technically, that’s all I should’ve ever had because I honestly need to judge less and love more. Always.)

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