The Bright Side-Ish Of Some Of The Failures – Part 1

December 29, 2015

Not too long ago, I talked about some failures. And before that, I talked about my epic failure at the Long Beach Marathon.

So, that’s embarrassing that that much failing is going on… (There’s a lot of succeeding too, though! So, let’s perhaps get happy about that.)

But what I’m pretty sure I neglected to put in my posts is that there were a couple of potentially good things that came out of the failures. (Yes, I know I’m half just trying to make myself feel better… But it’s still nice to see the silver lining!)

As far as the marathoning was concerned… I then did the Philadelphia Marathon. For one thing, I had the freaking time of my life in Philadelphia. And who knows if I would’ve ever gone otherwise. That place is my jam now. I’m ready to go to Philly anytime!

Also, I got to basically start a whole new project – because of a mistake.

I used to say I wanted to do a marathon every year for the rest of my life. But then, this year, because of that mistake (and moving), I ended up doing one not in California, but instead on the other side of the country…

And then I realized that I could just do a marathon every year in a different state! How awesome does that sound? It just so happened that my first 3 fell in different states (Ohio, Florida, California). Once we’ve added #4, I think we’ve cemented our pattern!

So, I’m pretty excited about that (though it’s gonna take a looooooooong time to get through all the states if I’m only doing one a year. There will probably come a point where I wanna up it to 4 or 5 so I can finish this project in a somewhat reasonable timeline… But, even if I finish when I’m in my 70s, that’d be fine, I suppose.

So, yeah.

And I have just a little more to say about this tomorrow.

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