Having An “Enemy” Sucks – Part 1

November 23, 2016

[This is from the sexual assault series.]

Of course there are people in the world who don’t like me. And there are people I don’t super love in return…

You, I guess, could kind of, sort of argue that the psychologist who denied my kidney donation seems a bit like my enemy, ’cause goodness was I mad, and I have multiple posts about her in that thread of a kidney story… And I’m determined to thwart her misjudgment and give my kidney to somebody, consarn it!

But I wouldn’t say she’s my “enemy.”

I would maybe call it a healthy, friendly, non-active rivalry haha.

I quit two different jobs, because I didn’t like the bosses.

I also worked on a show where I was never paid for my last few weeks.

Basically, I guess I’m kind of saying that in my lifetime, I’ve been wronged, or kind of burned bridges. (Heck, I was the one who wronged my amazing boss in Los Angeles when I left with no notice for The Nightly Show. Whoops.)

There are people in this world who don’t like me (or whom I don’t particularly like).

If I were a politician, there would be some ways in which it would be really cool to have enemies – screaming from the rooftops about how anti-abortion groups, or anti-LGBT groups would give me an F rating, and I would revel in that.

But this – being an “enemy” with someone I was formerly friends with really hurts. This isn’t a kind of, “eh I’m kind of mad” thing… This is like a, “I legitimately have nightmares about you at night… I have *literally* vomited by stress of thinking about you, or being with you multiple times. I have oh so much anger that I am trying sooooo desperately to get rid of…”

I feel the way about this person that some people talk about their exes… And this is an awful feeling.

I know this is silly, but I don’t even super believe in “exes.” I don’t refer to a single person as my “ex.” I might say, “a person I was with,” “the man I loved,” “that person from [blah blah blah]”, but I don’t use the word “ex” for a person I slept with, or dated, or really anything. It just sounds too mean to me.

And I’ll pick up here tomorrow!

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