The Washington DC Women’s March! – Part 2

January 23, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

Anyway, we went out and honestly kinda sorta had no idea where we needed to go (ish). I mean, my friends are super knowledgeable about DC. But it just felt like once we got to where we thought we needed to go it was so crowded that nobody could see the monitor anyway, so we just kept going around to different places.

Men: Listen To Women sign at the women's marchAnd nobody seemed to truly be able to tell when the march actually started – since we couldn’t see or hear a monitor. And then we saw some people going down some streets chanting. So, like, is that chanting and marching just happening? …Or, is the march officially starting and all?

(Eventually we did make it to a monitor where we could see and hear, and we saw the last speaker. And then went forward for the official march part.)

It was amazing to see so many fantastic signs and outfits.

And it was really cool to have so many men there being truly supportive with incredible signs, and chanting and all of that. I know that it’s so annoying when people praise the men too much for a march put on by women… But when a group of people from the group doing the oppressing comes out to support the oppressed group and stand alongside with them… It was special. And helpful. And I appreciated it. And I loved hearing a sea of mean around me as the chant, “Her body, her choice” (echo) “My body, my choice” happened.

It was a really magical day and I am so honored that I got to be there for a part of history.Now, I just need to get one of those pink hats!

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