The Definition Of Everything Doesn’t Have To Change (Re: Comedy and Stuff)… (Part 1B – Kind Of A Preamble)

October 25, 2017

If you’re getting notified about this, FYI, this post is old.

Picking up from yesterday –

Anyway, back to the more breezy paragraph I was trying to do – “nuance” exists. And romance/dating is weird. I feel like I should be allowed to say that my “worst date story” is a time when… I dunno, maybe when my brand new dress ripped down the back, as I made too large of a leap up some stairs, [or something silly like that]…

I think I could say something silly and dumb, because when people ask those silly questions of “what was your best or worst this or that?” at game nights, or comedy nights, or on twitter, or whatever, it’s not a court of law where you’re under oath to give a very specific and literal answer of your “worst.”

They’re asking for just a funny story. I don’t have to be like, “oh, the time a dude was exceptionally controlling, and manipulative, and then raped me, and then literally laughed in my face when I talked to him about it later….”
That is technically, I would say, my “worst date,” but it’s not a funny game night story. That’s for therapy (or a serious night, or a conversation with a good friend, or a panel about assault, etc…).

I mean, maybe if you’re a specific type of amazing super smart comedian who can spin that into jokes, good on you! I guess it could be for a silly night (since anything can be!), but I don’t think it has to be.

And I definitely have yet to figure out how to mine a ton jokes and hilarity from what happened… I wish I’d found that angle on it. I haven’t yet. I might not ever.

It might become less painful for me, but I don’t know that it will ever become “funny,” or some kind of “hilarious story.”

I’m not sure I’ll be able to find lots of pockets of humor in it… Some of my comedian friends have told hilarious jokes when we’ve talked about it… So, the humor is indeed in there somewhere. (I think humor is always in there somewhere.) But it might not be intrinsically in there for me (in a way that I could mine it, polish it, and present it)… Anyway…

Also, I feel like there are some things I used to laugh about, that started to seem a little unfunny to me over the past year and half or two years or so.

And this is what I’ll pick up with tomorrow.

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