The Definition Of Everything Doesn’t Have To Change… (Part 2B – Things Are Still Allowed To Be Funny)

October 27, 2017

If you’re getting notified about this, FYI, this post is old.

Picking up from yesterday –

But one thing I feel like I have to keep in mind is not. every. single. thing. I ever do/say/write about/talk about from this point in my life forward is a commentary about abuse, or assault, or my abusive relationship with sexual assault guy. I’ve gone through a lot of trauma therapy with the hope that this all won’t define me as a person, and I don’t expect it to define me as a writer either.

So, I think I will generally stay true to how I’ve always been – which is that I will probably, for the most part, not reeeeally talk a looot about romantic relationships, a ton, in public. (Although I guess you never know…) But, at least for now, those weren’t things I tried to talk about publicly, or focus my work on before. So, I don’t super anticipate that changing…

BUT. Just because it’s never been a full-on focus of my work, that doesn’t mean I will never write about a romantic relationship. I have before! I sometimes still do, and I probably will in the future.

Sometimes I just want to do a sketch. Or a love song. Or a little love story. Or whatever. And I’m not going to throw out everything I’ve ever written, and cut off possibilities for anything I ever could write just because I think someone might try to compare my abusive relationship to whatever silly future story I write.

[And sometimes, I just wanna watch a sketch, or listen to a love song, or enjoy a movie… And I’m not gonna take those opportunities away from myself either. I can watch a silly relationship, I can watch adjacent things happen, I can enjoy that Key & Peele sketch about miscommunication – and so many other sketches and sitcoms and stuff, without any of it having to be about him, and/or without my feelings about the stuff I’m watching having anything to do with him or what he did to me.]

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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