Welp, That’s a Wrap on Project 882

January 17, 2018

[Again, an old post. So, sorry; we’re just catching up here!]

Welp. It wasn’t all for naught. We finished – doing what we set out to do. And in the process, we raised over $10,000 for charities I believe in.

I took my first international trip, which was cool. I met some cool people. And I forced myself to get out of the house, even when I didn’t want to.

There were tribulations throughout the year, but at the end of the day, I finished.

In a perfect world, I would’ve done bigger races and ended in bigger ways. It would’ve been as triumphant as the 52 half marathons. But there will be future run projects, and maybe those will be even better still!

Thanks for coming along on the journey!

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