The 3 Birthday Questions (2018)

June 24, 2018

Another set of the annual birthday questions!

1) What are you proudest of from this year?

My BMI 1st year final project. Basically the main things I have to say on it are that I think it’s legitimately the best thing I’ve ever written. And it was received SUPER well. It was such a fulfilling, amazing, fantastic moment. And it was about domestic violence – which is really the main subject I’ve been wanting to write about since I was writing at like 9 or 10 years old (or some young age).

So, to return to the main thing I’ve always been passionate about writing (the reason I started writing in the first place) in a year when it was suuuuuper relevant for me, at a place where it was suuuuuuuuper relevant for me – and to have people cry, and really be moved, and enjoy it, and to get great feedback – and as the cherry on top, to get to experience it with B, my high school theater teacher being there (just as she was for the audition)… It was a really precious day, a fantastic memory, and definitely something I’m super proud of.

2) – the opposite of that question in a way in which you choose to look at it (e.g. your biggest failure, regret, lesson etc.)?

Oooooh goodness. How much time do you have? haha I felt like I continued to have a lot of failure and regret this year. So, I’m not even sure what one tops it out.

I think project 882 was not a smart idea.So, that was probably a regret. (However, I started the project outside of the birthday year, and I can’t regret working to finish what I started.) But! I will say, one lesson from that is that I sprained my ankle sort of early on. I went to a foot doctor. He just moved my foot and was like “well, it isn’t broken! Just maybe consider inserts. You’ll be fine.” No MRI. No real help. And I should’ve either pushed him to do more, or gone to get a second opinion [because had I actually just taken care of my sprained ankle, it wouldn’t have turned into more and more issues, and I think the year would’ve been much easier].

(I was supposed to learn this lesson 9 years ago when I went to Urgent Care and they shrugged their shoulders with practically no tests and were like “you’re an overworked college student. You’re fine.” And the next day I was in the hospital and found out I had a rare and potentially fatal congenital heart defect. But apparently I forgot that lesson? Or do we ever learn lessons? I don’t know.)

But yeah, I don’t think the lesson there is “don’t trust doctors.” Of course I trust doctors! Doctors have saved my life and been super helpful. But, maybe if you know something is wrong and a doctor does basically no work, pick a different doctor. Get a second opinion.

[My ankle thing really spiraled out of control and then became a knee thing, and derailed a bunch of races I was supposed to do, and cost a lot of money and time and energy and effort to fix. And yeah, a small thing that could’ve easily been fixed early on became this random giant obstacle and a problem WAY bigger than it should’ve been.] So, there’s that.

[Also, I would maybe have listed this as the true “official” answer, but I don’t know that I’m super ready to like delve into my job at The Daily Show ending, on the blog here. But! The way it all happened was definitely a bummer for the year. I’m sure eveeeeentually, someday you’ll get the full story. But for now, I’ll just say one goal (again that I should’ve already known based on previous jobs!), if someone offers you an unfair deal (rate/benefits/etc.), don’t take it…. I mean, unless you reeeeeeeally have to. But if you don’t have to, don’t convince yourself to do it. It’ll be incredibly hard to ever truly feel good/appreciated there – no matter how hard you try. Fight for what you’re worth and if they won’t get close (and you’re in a spot in life where you have the freedom to not take the job), then walk away.]

3) What’s your biggest goal for the upcoming year?

This is a tough one, because there are a lot of things I’d like to do.

I suppose if I really had to boil it down to *one*, I’d say, I want to get accepted to 3rd year of BMI.

That’s really the big one.

But, if I’m allowed to add a couple of secondary goals in here, for one thing, I’d like to be less angry – on a macro and micro level.

Like, I’ve just felt so angry so often the last couple of years – angry at sexual assault dude, angry at poor bystanders in my life who really didn’t do anything “wrong,” per se, but if they weren’t supportive in ways I thought they “should” be, oof.

I also get more angry online (twitter, etc.). (I mean, come on, Tr*mp is president.) And there’s residue anger that then gets on other people, I think.

Like, I’m mad at members of my original BMI class for, as far as I can tell, not caring what happened to me. And it’s fine. They have their own lives (and probably a number of them still don’t know). I wasn’t super close with any of them anyway. But anyway, me mentioning them here is not about them. It’s the fact that I sometimes then feel anger toward people in my new class [because I guess I just sort of weirdly in some way in my head lump everyone in the same group of “BMI students,” even though it’s totally different people].

And what on earth could I expect from my new class?! I want them to get into a time machine, and make what happened un-happen? To my knowledge, none of them are even really buddy-buddy with sexual assault guy. A lot of them don’t even know him.

And in reality, they’ve all been more than supportive. They were supportive of my final project about domestic violence. Some have really lended a friendly, helpful ear. So, the point is, weird anger residue is getting on people who do not deserve it. And so, I’d like to just generally be less angry/argumentative/rude/reactionary.

I suppose kind of along the same lines, I’d love to be a better friend and person in general. One example to me that encapsulates that a little is that I used to be overall pretty great at thank you cards – always gave them on the last day of classes, last day of work, all that jazz.

I have not been doing that anymore. I haven’t been remembering the names of strangers/new people as well. Etc. etc.

And I think I’m generally – even though I do focus now better than before, I think I still am not always as present as I can be, or as attentive, or as thoughtful etc. Like, it’s not *just* about names and thank you cards, it’s about really cultivating human-being-ship and connecting with people. Those are just some specific examples of that.

So, I think there’s a lot of room to be a better person/friend/acquaintance – but realistically, that probably at least begins with not being so freaking angry all the time.

I also want to get back to the fitness level I was before. But eesh. These are a lot of goals haha. I know I can focus on multiple things throughout the year, but this feels like a little more than what is supposed to be the answer to the birthday question…

But I guess the point is, at this point next year, I gotta be accepted to 3rd year BMI… Everything else will still be changeable if I’m not where I want to be yet, but the decision of 3rd year or not won’t be. So, while I definitely will (and want to) work on the other stuff, if I have to pick one, that’s it. 3rd year, baby!

So, there you have it! We’ll revisit these questions again in 2019!

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