Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 2 – The Rest of the Initial Audition)

May 16, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, when it was my turn and I was in the group of 5 people, I was in control of the board for a crossword puzzle.

I generally absolutely love the crossword puzzles (which is ironic, since I screwed up one, on my actual show). But this one was pretty straightforward and I was pretty proud of myself, because I got it when not much was filled in, and I filled in the whole rest of it, not buying one single vowel. And then I solved – which is exactly how I wanted to/planned on playing the game.

Then, there was one more puzzle for my group.

The person next to me was in control. She got it to FRESH _ A _ A _ A.

Reasonably, she thought it might be banana, so she guessed N. It wasn’t banana.

My mind was engaged, but the day had gone on for a while, and I had slightly checked out a tiny bit. And it felt like I blinked my eyes, and all of a sudden the person right before me had also gotten it wrong.

So, it had gone around 4 people guessing random letters, trying to figure out what _ A _ A _ A was.

Then, they were like “Aurora, take us home!”

Oh my god. I have to get this. My reputation is on the line. And I want to be on Wheel of Fortune so freaking badly!

They’re doing fake spins for us, like we do the motion and they point to the little wheel they have at the front. And they fake landed me on $5,000. And thankfully, right when I needed to know it, I yelled out P, hoping against all hope it was papaya. And sure enough it was.

After everyone had gone, they dismissed us.

And I was flying so high. I hadn’t guessed a single wrong letter, and I’d solved two puzzles. I couldn’t have felt better about the audition.

And then I got the letter on September 24, so about 2 weeks later, that said “CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected as a contestant for Wheel of Fortune!”

How exciting!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

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