The Process of Playing on Wheel of Fortune! (Part 4 – Standby Tape Date)

May 18, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

I’ll get a lot deeper into the specifics of the day when it comes to my actual tape date, but I will say a few things about the overview of the standby date.

I do have a small wondering of whether it’s an advantage, or a disadvantage, or a nothing, to get to have the extra standby date.

I personally think it all comes out in the wash and isn’t necessarily a huge advantage or a disadvantage.

You could argue you get one more day to get comfortable, but that also may make you more complacent the second time. (And it also makes the process longer, which could be a little rough.)

So, anyway, I went to my standby tape date. And as I was waiting outside, the first person I met was the other standby contestant!

So, we became pals.

Since we aren’t allowed to have access to our phones the day of, Wheel tells us to bring a list of the 4 people they should call for us to be our audience members, should we get to go on.

So, I had my list [and had warned my local friends on the list to be ready, if need be]. (They did not need be haha.)

I went through the whole morning, which we’ll get to on my actual tape date.

They were able to approve my outfit, which was nice. That’s one perk, is since you’re there, they will tell you that what you’re wearing is good. (But they give extraordinarily specific instructions on what to wear. So, I’m guessing that’s not usually a problem anyway.)

Then I got to sit around and watch all the tapings, in case anything happened to anyone during the day.

I was glad I got to watch. The theme “big money” didn’t wholly click with me until I saw the first full episode. I’m used to Price is Right Big Money Week, where it just means everything is more expensive, so I thought it would something special about the wheel, but no. The puzzles had a lot of money themes.

It ultimately didn’t matter that I had a stronger understanding because I didn’t play. But it was good!

It was kind of sad that the 2 people who were now players who had been standby contestants before both only won $1,000. Not a good omen, and I felt kind of bad for them – especially one girl who didn’t tape until the last episode of the day. So she had two very long days and walked away with $1,000 – which yes, is nothing to sneeze at, but it’s Wheel! You want to do well!

And once my standby day was over… it was time to go back in the pool for my official day! And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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