Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 7 – Most of the Rest of the Packet)

May 21, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

It also tells you not to bring any outside reading material. (In game shows, they just have to be so careful to know no one is cheating… I don’t really know how you can cheat at a puzzle game with a newspaper, but just in case!)

They give you a mini-packet that has all the common game categories, and explains what they are (e.g. person, titles, landmark, what are you doing, living things, in the kitchen, and on and on and on and on). (The mini-packet of categories is 6 pages long.)

They give us a little pink sheet of tips on how to be a great contestant, which are all pretty straightforward. Study. Be confident. Have fun. That kind of stuff.

They also give you a full contestant release, so you have a chance to read it before you get there (even though the lawyer will go through the whole thing with you).

And Pat Sajack has a little “tribute to Wheel’s Contestants,” which is very cute! It basically just says people come from all over the world to play Wheel, and he appreciates them all, etc.

I know this post is a little on the short side, but I need a full one to talk about another thing from the packet – Pat Sajack’s secrets to winning on wheel.

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