Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 10 – It’s The Day Of The Show, Y’all – Paperwork Time!)

May 24, 2020

Picking up from last time –

A woman named [redacted], ’cause I don’t know if I should be sharing the names of staff, so I guess let’s just call her Erin, because why not, comes in and goes over some legal stuff with us.

She has everyone verify that we haven’t been main contestants on more than 2 game/reality/dating shows in the last 10 years. And she asks if we’ve met anyone from Sony/Wheel/affiliated people.

And everyone gets a chance to ask as many tiny questions as they want, as they very, very thoroughly do this paperwork with us.

The only one that I had a question about was that it asks if you’re “professionally trained,” or have appeared as an entertainer. I was like “I’m really not professional. But I technically have my Equity card, and I did perform off-Broadway once, but like… in a beaver costume, so I don’t think anyone cares.”

I think a lot of people started over-thinking their answers and asking pretty specific questions like that about any number of things on the form, because the Wheel people were just so methodical, and really trying to make sure we were thorough about it all.

So, it’s like, dang, okay, if you wanna be thorough, I guess let’s all get thorough and ask every minuscule question we can think of haha.

There were some parts you had to initial, or specifically put n/a, instead of just leaving blank, and some parts I feel like we glossed over a little, maybe?

Or at least, I didn’t remember a lot of things until I started perusing it for this blog post.

We had to verify that we have never [bolded] been on any version of Wheel of Fortune, which is sort of surprising, because I think they’d have a giant database of that, but maybe not! (Apparently not)

I also didn’t realize we agree to play with anyone who has a physically disability who has reasonable accommodations to play (with the Wheel and everything). Obviously I so super agree to this. It’s just interesting to me it even has to be in writing. Like, duh, if someone’s in a wheelchair, of course I still want them to be able to play and someone else can spin or whatever is necessary?

But I understand why they have to put it in writing if it’s changing things at all for anyone.

There is a paragraph that feels very reality-show-eque haha that they can take our likeness, voice, etc. and ‘rearrange’ things (not the actual show, obviously, I’m assuming, but if they wanted to put things on social, or do a special, or whatever whatever). We just have to be prepared that Wheel of Fortune can use whatever about as, as much as they want, wherever they want, however they want, anywhere in the universe in perpetuity, which tbh, is to be expected.

Sometimes things you’d expect like “yeah, obv Wheel can use my clips” sound so intense in papers like this.

Also, we’re not allowed to sell the companion part if we win a trip. I’d never even think about doing that – going with some stranger just to get some extra money? No thank you. But clearly, some people must, since it’s in there.

Also, just like with the lottery (or at least I think that’s how it works with the lottery?), if you win the million, it’s not a million today.

It’s either a million over 20 years, or $778,000 lump sum now.

Anyway, you get the gist. So, we have this big ol’ honking contract. And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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