Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 18 – Finish Make Up, Pick Our Color Spot)

June 1, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, at this point, the make-up stuff is still going. People are going in and out for touch-ups. (We were supposed to come basically camera ready, but they elevated everyone, so we all looked better on television.)

I was in the make-up chair. And I got to pull my color! There was a random little bottle thing we pulled our colors out of. (Most things were as randomized as they could be, for fairness.)

In my heart of hearts, I was hoping for the blue spot. It’s the 3rd spot (lucky number). The prettiest color of those 3. The closest to being directly in line with the used letter board. You’re on the end, so less likely to be distracted by anyone around you (in my opinion).

And I was so super pleased to get blue! (Yay!)

I tried to pretty much remember things in order, although I think I may have not gotten the order totally right, because I thought we were on stage before this, but also after this? Did we go onstage twice.

Well, either way, this was the gist of the day in approximate-ish order of how it happened.

Also on stage, they had people record their hometown howdies, and get a press photo taken (that they’d send us before our episode aired, so we could put it on social media and everything).

And also, someone (a director, I think?) would be looking at us through the camera, and telling other people (on earpieces or something?) whether our outfits worked, or if we needed to change anything.

And yeah, I think (I hope) I covered everything from when I auditioned to when the round of shows were about to start, and I guess I’ll start there tomorrow!

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