Becoming Advanced Scuba Certified! (Spring 2019)

July 1, 2020

I ended up spending so much time in Mexico, and enjoying scuba diving so much, that Chrissy and I decided to just keep on going, and go for advanced!

In order to get advanced certified, you have to do 4 dives in different specialities.

[You can also certify in specific specialities. Just doing one dive in each doesn’t give you those certifications, but you can at least begin to get the gist on specific subjects when you get your advanced certification.]

The specialties we ended up doing were:

  • Navigation
  • Deep Dive
  • Buoyancy
  • Underwater Videographer

The reason we chose navigation and buoyancy is because I’m not great at those! haha

The reason we chose deep dive was because there was a dive in Cabo many people said you must do [though the visibility wasn’t amazing, but it was fine], and video because… I like taking videos.

On the video one, we went out to a little place where lots of sea lions were hanging out.

I’m so brave until I get really close to them. The video is a little hilarious where it’s like “this looks cool, no nope! I got close enough!”

Sea lions are big!

So, yeah, we had a great time. I got another certification, and I miss diving with her!

And I’ll talk about another dive tomorrow!

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