The Whole Low-Down On Our BMI Final (The Road There – Picking The Songs/Source Material/& Everything) – Part 2 (June, 2019)

August 15, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

[And again, noting: spoiler alert both on The Good Place, and on our presentation. If you wanna just watch the video without all the spoilers, you can see it here.]

Before we re-wrote the song for Trevor (the demon), we wanted to try this other idea we liked. People only seemed lukewarm on the demon song. While we thought we could turn it around, we just weren’t sure. So, we went in a different direction for our next song.

And we wrote my favorite song, which was “I Wanted To Stay” – a song for Michael before he goes to retirement, about all the human things he wanted to do.

I loved it. And thankfully, the people loved it. There were pretty big laughs in the class. And you could just feel it was the right moment to musicalize. It was the right song. And it was definitely going in our presentation – probably as the closer.

Our notes were mainly just to make the song longer (which we did, as the first time around we presented a bit of a short version), and punch up a couple of the jokes (which we also did – I was SO pleased at how much people loved the USB drive line).

We never presented this again until our presentation, as we didn’t want people tiring of the jokes, and the feedback was clear on this. And we wanted to smartly use the presentations we had remaining.

So, then we revisited the demon song, because Ben and I both liked it. And it seemed like a strong enough moment. I’m sure I must have the song saved somewhere on a hard drive or something, but I wish I had it at my fingertips to listen to right now for funsies. ‘Cause I remember really liking this song.

I thought he made a catchy melody. And I tried to throw in fun jokes about how cool hell is, and snorting drugs off of famous people and whatever. We came in, pretty confident, thinking we had cracked the code on this song, and that people would like it.

But then! Oh no! The vibe was that people thought we should take it more in the old direction! The class was kind of divided on what they thought we should do. And since people were not in agreement, and that made the overall feeling meh, as much as we liked this song, we sadly threw it out and said it was time to move on.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

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