Little Glimpses Of The Life I Imagined (Happening Now) (January 2019)

August 29, 2020

[Continuing, as we catch up to post drafts while working on the mini-musical in 2019.]

These last few days have been really nice…

As you know, I had rehearsal earlier this week for a show (of mine!) that’s being performed in the city. So, it’s so cool that other people are putting time in, and learning my words, and the whole thing. I am so honored and happy. And I feel so lucky and fulfilled to be in the rehearsal process.

Then, the next morning, I went and rehearsed someone else’s song for BMI. Then when I got to BMI that night (early and responsible!), someone pulled me in and was like, “hey, can you sing in this?” (which of course, I gladly did).

So, it was just a lot of rehearsing and singing and being creative and performing. That’s it. That’s the life.

And then, as if that all wasn’t good enough, I randomly hung out tonight, with someone who’s becoming my really good friend, for six hours. The conversation flowed, and I know it’s just one person and one night, but my sense of community here I think is beginning to blossom ever so slightly as well.

So, of course I don’t have my exact life I envisioned out here. I’d love to be doing a lot more performing (and making money, preferably off creative endeavors, but I’ll kinda take whatever)… And I don’t have a full community here (like in LA). I mean, blah blah blah. We get it. It’s nowhere near to being all “figured out” (as if anyone’s life ever truly is).

But this week has felt like a bright spot, and has felt full of glimpses of the life I want/thought I’d have when I originally moved out here. And that has been nice.

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