I Went To A Protest Over George Floyd’s Death (May, 2020) – Part 1 (At First I Didn’t Go)

September 10, 2020

We continue to fill in things from the last few years. And here’s a draft I did back in May:

So, obviously for the last 70-something days, I’ve been hanging in my apartment, mainly. #QuarantineCity, baby.

[It will become so weird if there ever becomes a time that Covid-19 is so forgotten about that people do not understand the context of that first paragraph.]

Anyway, as I’m sure you’ve seen, there’ve been all these protests. Well, tonight, there was one in downtown LA. My roommate and I came to our balcony to see what the noise was about, and there was a crowd walking down the street.

I thought it would be nice to join them, but it was like “they’re already passing by. I don’t want to get Coronavirus. [Etc etc etc].

Then, just a couple of blocks later, we started hearing these huge explosions. We ran out again and smoke was billowing everywhere. I think tear gas had been released.

And at first I was a little relieved when I thought “that coulda been me.” But then I was embarrassed about that relief.

What? I think other people’s lives are less precious than mine? That I should get to continue to stay supremely safe with social distancing, in my little high rise tower and it’s for other people to put their bodies on the line?

No. This is important stuff. And I should be being tear-gassed too! We all have to show up and show that all of this racism all over America is unacceptable and we will not be tolerating any more deaths of black people at the hands of police.

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