Volunteering for The March for Our Lives with Headcount (March, 2018)

September 15, 2020

As we continue to catch up on everything we missed from 2018/2019, for now I’m trying to do some of the bigger things in kind of chunks. And right now, we’re on sort of the ‘political/activism’ chunk.

And… there were just so many marches. Do you remember how many times we’ve marched and protested and everything in the last few years? My gosh… even though it’s empowering to feel you’re do something… it’s also exhausting.

Like… goodness gracious we need another President!

Anyway, if I’m gonna be completely real with you, I actually don’t remember every march, and every protest, in detail. So, let this just be a stand in post to say there were a million marches.

But one in particular I do remember a bit more than others is when I went to March for Our Lives, and it was because I was registering to volunteer voters, which was great!

Really getting your money’s [well, non-money’s haha] worth out there by showing support for the cause by being out there, AND registering people – especially since there were so many teenagers who hadn’t registered to vote yet.

It was pretty simple. You have a clipboard. You walk around. You take people’s info. You turn it in to the main tent people at the end. Boom.

A good day! [Well… as good of a day as it can be, protesting people being shot senselessly, and watching the potential fall of democracy in real-time.]

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